Highest Paid Programmers By Language

Average salary for a specific programming language is pretty much irrelevant. Why? Because you will see top performing language having $110k average, while the worst performing will have $90k salary average. That’s a big difference, right? NO. Because you must include salary variance into the picture. Yes there is $20k difference in the salary average, however, there is $200k variance in the salary within the […]

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(Simple) JavaScript Tutorials For Programmers

Here is a list of simple and fun tutorials in JavaScript that allow you to learn something new. The most important tutorial is saved for last 🙂 Here is a list of contents: JavaScript game in 53 lines How to make a game with JavaScript tutorial shows what can be done in only 53 lines. This tutorial and code are made completely from scratch and […]

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JavaScript Chess Board (Source Code Example)

Creating JavaScript chess board is fairly simple. All you need to do is create 64 squares using div elements with alternating background colors, and you’re pretty much done. Here is the expected end result: In this article you will find: P.S. another good chess move is to learn how to double your salary as a programmer Empty Chess Board Here is a full JavaScript code […]

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Programming For Art (With JavaScript)

The easiest way to make interesting art with programming is to use simple functions. Because an image is just like a giant chessboard, and every square is defined with a single color (using a simple function). Here is how your picture (grid) might look like: This is an example of an image 10×10 pixels. Keep in mind your average Instagram image is 1,000×1,000 pixels.(the principles […]

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Developer Productivity: Fake Stats For Remote Teams

To be clear, no one is tricking anyone, no one is lying. But the companies are accurately measuring the wrong things and it gives them back wrong conclusions. The productivity actually fell and companies think it actually grew. What happened here? CONTEXT Developers suddenly found themselves working from home. Companies were worried the productivity will fall with the lack of supervision. So they carefully measured […]

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Real Secret To Being 10X Developer

10X developer is a person who is 10 times more productive than a normal developer. But the productivity doesn’t come from being able to code fast. Instead, it comes from knowing what not to do. To become a 10X developer you have to go through stages of becoming more and more valuable to the project you’re working on. And, spoiler alert, you will never code […]

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Write Better Automated Functional Tests

Without changing anything else, your functional tests can improve a lot if you just introduce element of randomness. You will find them to be much more reliable and robust. Sometimes even find errors you couldn’t find otherwise. But let’s start from the beginning… What Are Functional Tests? Functional tests are testing entire parts of your system. Unit tests, in comparison, might only test a single […]

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Simplicity: Machine Learning Model Selection

When in doubt, you should always select simpler machine learning model over a more complex one. Because it will perform much better in wide variety of cases. Machine learning is the only field where you need to restrain yourself: But only in machine learning you need to do less than possible. Otherwise – you’ll be overfitting your model and you’ll have terrible results. How Far […]

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Code Readability vs. Software Speed

Code readability is always important, but in some applications speed is even more important. Depending on the use case of your software you might need to prioritize one over the other. But there is one important fact: software developers are mostly reading the code and not writing the code. So any decrease in readability is slowing down the entire project. But sometimes that is unavoidable. […]

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Why Solo Developers Write Bad Code?

Solo developers are missing one of the most important code quality tools: code reviews. And since they don’t have alternative perspective on their code – it must be lower quality by default. This is why software development is a team work. Because other people can see the things you missed. And your entire project is going to be higher quality. High quality leads to more […]

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Code Libraries: Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

Everybody understands the purpose of libraries and no one is going to reinvent something major from scratch – but the problem is in simple stuff that gets you in trouble. Because no one is going to rewrite Express and React in JavaScript, or Scikit-learn and Matplotlib in Python. BUT How about a simple sorting algorithm? In JS it would look something like this: Or you […]

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Writing Tests Speeds Up Software Development

Every serious software development company is considering writing tests a priority. And they realize tests are increasing their development speed. However, many projects are still trying to get away from writing tests. Why is that? Usually, it has more to do with inexperienced (or plain bad) management than with developers. Management vs. Tests If management is inexperienced and they don’t know the difference between a […]

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How To Appear (And Be) A More Professional Developer?

The secret is more in what you should not do rather than in things you should do. And the easiest way to appear like an amateur is to do these basic mistakes: not testing your code before submitting for review not following the existing architecture not following naming conventions in the code not using the same code style not splitting your changes in smaller git […]

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Most Dangerous Type Of Spaghetti Code

I call this type of code the “ninja code”. You can’t see where it is. It’s dangerous. And it can strike you at any time and you won’t even know what happened. Such is the danger of the ninja code 🙂 But semi-kidding aside – what is it? It’s the code inside a function that contains side effects. How To Recognize It? You can’t. And […]

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How To Become A Better Developer Overnight?

Before you unlock this “secret” you must be aware of a single, most important thing. And that is: code is mostly being read! Your code will be written only a fraction of the time. Most of the time, it will be read over and over again. And mostly by other people as well. What’s worse – you yourself will almost be like a different person […]

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Will Automation Reduce The Need For Programmers?

The short answer is no. The more automation we get, the easier and faster it is to develop the apps. They become cheaper to develop, and you have an innovation explosion that requires even more people in this field. However, this is not the first time people were asking this question. Every time software development becomes easier, people start fearing for their jobs. BUT The […]

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The Best Productivity Tool For Programmers?

There are two types of productivity: project productivity and personal productivity. And both of these are solvable with better knowledge and better questions. Everybody talks about better tools/software, but there are far more powerful tools than that. And you will now learn what they are. Project Productivity You will get the biggest productivity boost after you learn what to implement and what not to implement. […]

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Why People Hate JavaScript? (Weird Quirks)

People are always tribal around their programming languages and they always think their language is the best. So at any point in time every language is “hated” by 90% of the people. I am old enough to remember language wars between PHP and ASP. And in a way that’s natural – if you thought some other language was better – you would be working in […]

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How To Create A Real JavaScript Chatbot AI?

Chatbots are getting more and more popular so let’s create one. You will only need JavaScript and HTML so you can run this chatbot in your browser. You can find full code at the end of this article (it is only 49 lines of code). This article will cover: P.S. -> read this article if you want to double your salary as a programmer How The […]

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How To Take User Input In JavaScript? (5 Ways)

There are 5 ways you can take user input in JavaScript: P.S. -> read this article if you want to double your salary as a programmer prompt prompt is a JavaScript command that shows a dialog box where user can enter some data. This data is then stored into a variable that can be used later in your program. You can also prefill the dialog box […]

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Which JavaScript Framework Should I Learn?

I would definitely start with React.js which is used for web app development. You can also make iOS and Android apps using React Native and desktop apps using Electron. Because these frameworks are 95% similar to React. So by learning one framework and one language (JavaScript) you managed to cover all these different platforms. And that is truly powerful. Not to mention JavaScript can be […]

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How Is Coding Used In The Real World?

Coding is used in most unexpected ways in the real world: managing traffic lights, controlling fuel intake in your car (or even driving your car), in your TV and your phone, etc. In short coding is used EVERYWHERE. It is really hard to imagine any piece of technology today tat doesn’t use some amount of code. Here is a small list of things that use […]

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JavaScript Wait For Page To Load (Solved)

There are two ways you can wait for a page to load: P.S. -> read this article if you want to double your salary as a programmer Bottom Page JavaScript If you put your JavaScript at the bottom things are very simple. Before your JS code is loaded, everything else had to be loaded first. So this method doesn’t necessarily wait for anything. It just loads […]

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Computer Programming For Business (Benefits)

Knowing a tiny bit of programming can go a long way in business. You DO NOT need to be a programmer, but knowing basics of programming can save you thousands of dollars. But it goes way beyond that, it can open up opportunities your competitors simply do not have. Programming Savings As a business you’re always testing new things on your website. And having to […]

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How To Start A Career In Coding?

Here are the exact steps you need to go through that every other developer went through as well: pick a language go through some tutorials on YouTube make your own project apply for jobs Here are also bonus tips that will help you get a job much more easily. Pick A Language As a beginner you have no idea where to start and most people […]

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Is Getting A Coding Job As Hard As It Looks?

If you have the knowledge, then it shouldn’t be a problem. But aside from knowing how to code, companies like to know you are familiar with the processes and tools they use. Because no one wants to be your babysitter. And if you show you can be productive in very short period of time, your chances of getting a job go through the roof. So […]

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JavaScript Wait For Loop To Finish (2 Solutions)

The only time your JavaScript code doesn’t wait for a loop to finish is when you’re working with Promises. A good example would be email sending like this: Here the function doSomethingElse() is going to run before any of the emails actually finished sending. Sequential Solution First way we can do this is by sending the next email only after the previous email was sent. […]

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Coding For Journalists (Short Overview)

Imagine someone saying today: “I don’t know how to read and write – I’m not a poet“. It is the same as saying: “I don’t know how to code – I’m not a programmer“. Today if you don’t know how to code, you’re partially illiterate. P.S. if you’re a journalist, you might find your next big story here. Every part of our lives is effected […]

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Can Coding Make You Rich? (Real Answer)

There are no guarantees, but coding can definitely help. Why? Because it increases your productivity overall. It can make you faster than your competitors in whatever you decide to do in your life. For example, one of my friends used to find awesome real-estate deals: before anyone else using almost zero effort How? He used programming. How To Dominate Real-Estate With Programming? He first found […]

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Will Programming Voice Be The Next Frontier?

Short answer is: no. Yes it sounds cool. And yes, there might be some (narrow) demonstrations where voice programming is a good match. But it will not raise productivity. And therefore, it will not be used long-term. There are several reasons for that: writing is a small part of programming sound is distracting special symbols issue Programming vs. Writing Majority of time in programming is […]

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Is JavaScript Hard To Learn? (Honest Answer)

Yes. Learning JavaScript is hard, as it’s the case with all other languages. And the most difficult part is being consistent at learning for long enough so that you become productive and someone wants to hire you. Individual parts of the language can be learned very easily. For example: Now, even if you never coded anything in your life (or even seen any code) – […]

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How To Make A Game With JavaScript? (in 53 lines)

In the blog post What Can You Do With JavaScript I already explained you can build everything with it. And this includes browser games that I’m going to show in this tutorial. Complete code for the game is 53 lines long so it should be easy to understand even for beginners. The entire code is at the bottom of this post and every step is […]

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What Can You Do With JavaScript?

In short: you can do (almost) EVERYTHING with JavaScript. It has truly become the default programming language of the internet. If you plan to learn any language, your best choice is JavaScript. Things you can do with JavaScript: web development mobile app development (both iOS and Android) desktop app development (Windows, Mac, and Linux) running servers So basically any digital product can be created for […]

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Will JavaScript Containers Overtake Containers?

Short answer: overall, JavaScript containers will not overtake regular (Linux) containers. However, they will probably overtake them in specific use cases like running a server etc. But there are several things to have in mind: this only applies to Deno existing projects will not be ported removing unnecessary Linux “inception” is a good thing JavaScript Containers Are Deno Containers Before JS container become a thing, […]

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JavaScript += [Explained & Examples]

The JavaScript expression += is just a shorthand for writing:value = value + something. For example: However, make sure your code is always immutable because there is almost never a good reason to change the existing values in JavaScript. And it usually leads to bugs. Hope this helps. P.S. -> read this article if you want to double your salary TAGS: what is += in […]

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Programmer Salary (Why Are You Underpaid?)

Companies have a strategic advantage over you. They can ask how much you got paid on your previous job, but you don’t get to know how much they make on the project you’ll be working on. And that’s just the beginning… The market is unfair. But if you have the proper knowledge can easily double your salary without learning anything new. WHERE TO START? The […]

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