The short answer is no. The more automation we get, the easier and faster it is to develop the apps. They become cheaper to develop, and you have an innovation explosion that requires even more people in this field.

However, this is not the first time people were asking this question.

Every time software development becomes easier, people start fearing for their jobs.


The only consequence every time is even more demand for developers.

To be clear – certain jobs and work positions are gone because of better tools. For example, you no longer need basic HTML/CSS developers because you have online drag-and-drop page builders.

And you will struggle to find a job where you will build someone a on-pager in HTML.


The number of programming jobs is higher than ever. And the demand is growing every year.

In short, automation is removing simple coding jobs but increasing total number of available jobs.

P.S. -> read this article if you want to double your salary